Enema For Kids

Enema For Kids

Enema For KidsThings You Should Know Before Performing Enema For Kids

Constipation is a common problem in toddlers and kids. It is not a disease but a symptom of some internal issues. Doctors say that it is not a serious condition but chronic constipation may lead to some major problems. How do you identify the condition in your kid? In this article, we have covered common symptoms, causes, and enemas for kids.

How To Identify The Problem In Kids?

You can observe some changes in the behavior like your child crossing feet, clenching buttocks, or irritating behavior. The toddlers might twist and turn their bodies, may cry unnecessarily, or have uncomfortable body language.

Some of the common symptoms you will observe are as follows:

  • If your child is passing hard or dry stools.
  • Experiencing discomfort or pain while passing bowel movements.
  • Improper bowel movements
  • You might observe stains of stools in the underwear of kids.
  • Pain in the lower abdominal area of the stomach.

All these are the symptoms of constipation one might observe. Now let us know what are the solutions to the problem and how can you treat it.

How To Perform Enema For Kids?

Enema is one of the common solutions your doctor might suggest for treating the constipation problem. It is claimed to be effective in eliminating toxins from the body.

Here are a few steps you can follow to perform enema for kids at home.

  • We would suggest using an enema kit for performing an enema at home as it is a safe method.
  • Prepare your child mentally and brief them on what they will be experiencing so that they do not panic.
  • Performing enema in the bathroom or near the toilet is suggested.
  • Make your kid sleep on one side of the stomach on the bathroom floor. Ask them to pull up their knees under their chest.
  • Place the fluid bag at 2 feet higher level to the floor. You can tie it to the towel handle or store the box on the wall.
  • Connect the fluid bag with one end of the supply tube and another end with the nozzle.
  • Lubricate the nozzle and area around the anus of your child with natural oil.
  • Then insert the nozzle into the opening of the anus slowly and wait until the fluid bag is empty.
  • After 5 to 10 minutes make your child sit on the toilet so that he can pass the fluids when he feels the pressure.

This is a very commonly used method to perform enema for kids at home. You need to take certain precautions while you perform enemas for kids. The combination of fluids you use for enema plays a great role in the treatment. Consult your doctor to know which fluids to use for an enema.

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