Your kidneys’ mission is to clean your blood, eliminate the unwanted residuals and produce hormones able to strengthen your bones and muscles.
When your kidneys fail to function properly, there’s not much you can do. The usual treatment is referred to as dialysis and it consists of toxins elimination and blood cleaning.
At the same time, dialysis requires that you follow a very strict diet, so make sure you follow all the steps. Alternative medicine recommends a wide range of natural remedies and diets that could be helpful for your situation.
However, before rushing off to buy ingredients for your diet, talk to a diagnostician in order to make sure that there is no medical complication that could interfere with your treatment. However, to gather more information, talk to your doctor and ask him to supervise you during the entire process.
How a Diet for Dialysis Patients Works
This diet for dialysis patients must be rich in active constituents (those substances that are able to reconstruct the damaged tissue), such as minerals (iron, zinc, and sodium), vitamins, antioxidants, tannins, nutrients, and natural enzymes, and antioxidants. If you’re not sure about starting this diet, just ask a herbalist and gather as much information as you can.
Efficient Diet for Dialysis Patients
The main purpose of this diet for dialysis patients is to provide enough strength and energy for your body while avoiding risky or unsafe foods and drinks. If you don’t know which ingredients this diet should contain, here’s a list for further guidance:
– Animal proteins – maintain a healthy life and remember that, when on dialysis, your body requires a lot more animal proteins than ever. These substances help restore and reconstruct your muscular tissue, which is why you should eat pork, poultry, fish, oatmeal, fish, and eggs.
– Grains – are a primary source of calories. However, don’t eat a great number of grains if you also need to monitor your blood sugar (like some diabetes patients need to). Recommended grains are whole wheat bread, brown rice, cereals, oatmeal, white beans, lentils, and barley.
– Fruits and vegetables that are low on potassium – potassium are very dangerous for dialysis patients: due to the fact that your kidneys are unable to eliminate every residual accumulation, potassium builds up and leads to heart problems. This is why you may want to try one of the following fruits and vegetables: apples, berries, broccoli, grapes, cabbage, peaches, carrots, plums, watermelon, radishes, and eggplant.
– Green Tea – is good for a wide range of health complaints, maybe thanks to the fact that it contains all the ingredients necessary to sustain life, as scientists have proved.
You can also give it a try in case you’re suffering from infertility, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, nausea, vomiting, headaches, or upset stomach. Just make sure you avoid it in case of menstruation or menopause. Also, don’t drink more than 2 cups of green tea per day and everything should be fine!
– Yerba Mate Tea – is very similar to green tea and it has almost the same ingredients. The difference is that yerba mate tea is yet unknown to the European public, but very popular among South Americans. The custom requires that you drink yerba mate tea from a recipient called bombilla and use a straw.
You may also take yerba mate tea to treat cold sores, sore throats, nausea, upset stomach, irritable bowel movement, or even impotency. Just make sure you don’t drink more than 2 cups per day for a short amount of time. In high amounts, yerba mate tea can even lead to death!
Diet for Dialysis Patients Warnings
When followed exactly, this diet for dialysis patients is one hundred percent safe. Surpassing the normal dosage, however, may lead to a number of health issues, like skin rash, uterine contractions, internal bleedings, and hallucinations.
If you’ve tried this diet and something went wrong, talk to your doctor immediately and ask for professional assistance. Once you have the green light from a diagnostician and there’s nothing that could interfere with your treatment, give this diet for dialysis patients a try and enjoy nature’s wonderful benefits!